The Robyn Maas Gallery is a warehouse studio offering Fine Art and Contemporary Craft Sales in the Ward Bakery Building, Youngstown, Ohio. Robyn is an artist, designer, curator and museum professional with over 20 years of experience. Services include graphic and installation design, as well as residential and business interiors focused on artwork placement,fine art and craft collecting, color consulting, plaster repair and painting.
The Robyn Maas Galley's Grand Opening was 2019 during
FaLaLa @ the Ward. Contemporary Hues showcased two area artists Contemporary Quilts by Mary Lou Alexander and Georgia Tambasis's funky ceramics, drawings and mono-prints. In 2022 during FaLaLa @ the Ward, Robyn highlighted the paintings of Jen Hill an artist that lives in Cleveland.
Visit the Robyn Maas Gallery by appointment!